The “Shoe that Grows” is a brilliantly simple idea of creating durable children’s shoes that expand as their feet grow, ensuring well-fitting shoes throughout childhood. It’s an inspirational story of a man who wanted to make a difference, and is doing so. But another fascinating aspect for us is how much great design thinking there is to learn from this story – not just design of the shoes, but design of the business that goes with it.
Rebecca Struthers is one of the most innovative watchmakers in the world today. She and husband Craig push the boundaries of watchmaking with their peerless blend of traditional and modern practices. Rebecca and Craig have created their own, unique path to the top, and follow it with passion. We asked Rebecca about two aspects of their journey that lie close to our own hearts at Zayah.
The impact of Apple on watch design is our excuse for a series of articles about the design and art of making watches. In this first one, we explore how the need to tell the time has evolved and transformed, creating a series of different design challenges that have shaped and re-shaped the fundamentals of watch design over the years.
With their 2015 exhibition “Shoes: Pleasure and Pain”, the V&A distilled into 4 words the dilemma that shoes represent for so many women. It sparked a debate at Zayah World about what shoes are about, what they could be, and what happens when you push the boundaries of footwear design. We start with a series of designers that take fresh perspectives on what matters most when designing footwear, and as a result each create something truly different.