Stylish Women Who Don’t Give a Damn!
Experience is an interesting thing. It can liberate you from feeling compelled to do what others expect of you.
Many stylish women we know and see have worked to establish themselves, and in the process gained experience and knowledge. A fortunate few also develop the confidence to stop caring what others think, and are willing to experiment with how they look in a way they didn’t when younger.
Whether you or we like their style or would emulate it is beside the point. What matters to us is the way they seem to revel in their right to look however they want, and create their own style.
Can we learn from these stylish women? Of course!
What we learn is down to each of us. As a starting point, we’ve provided a bit of inspiration below with pictures of stylish women we think celebrate life with how they look, just because they can.
Below is a snapshot of our pinterest board “Elegance & Style”, where you can see a set of women we consider stylish. If you click on it you’ll get to the whole board. Take a look, and see what you think – you never know how it might inspire you!
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