Tibetan Mandala refers to one of the most exquisite, fascinating forms of art you're likely to discover. But as you'll see, very few people will ever have the privilege of seeing one in real life. We were fortunate enough to do so a few years ago, and it's a memory that will never leave us. If you know what Tibetan Mandala is, understanding more is an important part of appreciating it fully. But if you've not heard of it before, you're in for a treat.
Wearable Art Jewellery is as much an expression of creativity and imagination as a form of personal decoration. Unlike more conventional forms of jewellery, status and brand matters less here than the emotions it conveys. For us, it's one of the purest forms of jewellery, and the one we enjoy wearing, buying and of course making more than any other. We've prepared for you a curated list of ten of our favourite Wearable Art Jewellery makers from around the world. Our emphasis is on those names you're less likely to have come across before.
It's getting to that time of year when the main topic of conversation in movie circles is which movies and actors will win Oscars this year. We take a slightly oblique look at the Academy Awards, and arm you with some lesser known facts and snippets about them. If you're planning on gate-crashing an after-party, this might be useful for breaking the ice when hanging out with stars :-)
A unique review of unfolding world events through the eyes of a monarch renowned for her elegant, tasteful jewellery. We look back at the most momentous and significant changes in the world around her in that time, and mark each decade with one of her signature brooches.
What happens when architects challenge conventional thinking of what a house should be? The results of their creativity can be amazing, at least for bypassers . . . We've found a set of houses that are as far as we can imagine from the stereotype of 4 walls, a pitched roof, front door and rectangular windows. We hope you enjoy looking through these as much as we enjoyed putting the lists together.
It’s finally possible, practical and commercially viable to do something about the damage the fashion industry does to our planet through huge amounts of waste and pollution. Our guide to Sustainable Fashion contains the most important things you should know to form your own view, including how each of us can make a real difference.
Snow& Ice Art is a combination of engineering skills and creativity to form exquisite sculptures that only last as long as the cold weather. We showcase 7 eye-catching examples, and tell you about winter festivals where you can see this amazing art in person.